For some reason showing my affection at first sight, it's never been one of my strengthens on the contrary most of the times it goes inversely proportionate, I've always believed that in fact, it is an automatically proteccion method that got developed in my early years and it turns on in the most awkward times leading me to start all the deepest and more authentic relationships of my life with this hate-love issue.
So I assume I totally adore making presents because it is my own way to say "I think about you", "I love you","I know you".
Although I admit, the thing I want the most in this world unfortunately it can't be bought.
It's a heart, and it isn't for sale at tiffanys or any where else. So today, the last day of the year, at the last minute, and after 830 days wanting it so bad, I will wish it with all my strength hoping that for once it'll work, so It is my wish for you, that all your dreams come true, that you laugh much more than you cry, and that you can glimpse happiness in this absurd world.
So, thinking about the way ppl say this things, this post came up.
I guess this festivities; if I would have had to buy me a present, one of this 11 things would have made me smile. Would they have had you?¿
Happy New year!!!
So I assume I totally adore making presents because it is my own way to say "I think about you", "I love you","I know you".
Although I admit, the thing I want the most in this world unfortunately it can't be bought.
It's a heart, and it isn't for sale at tiffanys or any where else. So today, the last day of the year, at the last minute, and after 830 days wanting it so bad, I will wish it with all my strength hoping that for once it'll work, so It is my wish for you, that all your dreams come true, that you laugh much more than you cry, and that you can glimpse happiness in this absurd world.
So, thinking about the way ppl say this things, this post came up.
I guess this festivities; if I would have had to buy me a present, one of this 11 things would have made me smile. Would they have had you?¿
Happy New year!!!
Libro de poemas Jim Morrison / Poem book by Jim Morrison

Cualquier esmalte de uñas de la temporada A/W 10 Chanel/
Any nailpolish from the A/W 10 Colection by Chanel.
Any nailpolish from the A/W 10 Colection by Chanel.

Un reloj controlador físico de Polar /A Polar Watch Cardio Controller

Una cámara Hasselbad 503, o en su defecto cualquier reflex, potente./ A hasselbad 503 maera, or any potent reflex.

Un poster de los Clash / A poster of The Clash

Unos botines rockeros de Ash / Ash's rocker heels

Un bonus ilimitado de clases de Bikram Yoga (soy totalemente adicta) / A unlimited bonus of Bikram yoga classes (which I'm totally addicted lol)

Un macuto- bolso de chico / A boiesh bag

Una bicicleta de ciudad / A city's bike

Un collar con mi nombre/ a Neckalce with my name.

Por algún extraño motivo demostrar mi afecto suele ser una asignatura que me queda pendiente en muchas ocasiones y generalmente se agudiza cuanto más me importa la persona en cuestión.
Siempre he creído que era una especie de sistema de autoprotección automático que me viene de serie, y que salta cuando menos debería saltar.
Por eso el 95% de mis relaciones más profundas y auténticas han empezado mal, generalmente es un odio-amor, que con el tiempo consigue metamorfosearse. Supongo que por eso una de mis pasiones es hacer regalos, asumo que es la manera que mi subconsciente encuentra para decir "te quiero" "me importas", "te conozco".
Aunque admito, que lo que más quiero en el mundo no esta en venta. Así que esta noche, la última del año, en el último minuto y después de 830 queriéndolo, cerraré fuerte los ojos, deseándolo con todas mis fuerzas, esperando que por una vez funcione. Este también es mi deseo para ti, que todos tus sueños se cumplan, que te rías mucho más de lo que llores y que consigas ver ese atisbo de felicidad en este absurdo mundo.
Así que pensando en las personas, y en su forma de decir te quiero hoy ha salido este post, y conociéndome, si hubiera tenido que auto-regalarme algo, probablemente hubiera elegido uno de los 11 items de a continuación, en fin.
Feliz 2011!!
Holaa! me enkantas esas botas de panama jack! e mirado por internet y no he encontrado un 39. Donde podria conseguirlas? Gracias!