Hace un par de días me fui de compras con una gran amiga... aunque físicamente muy pequeña.
Mientras dábamos vueltas por la tienda y nos probábamos entre risas modelitos caí una vez más en este gran cliché en el que caemos la mayoría de las mujeres ante este sistema. En compararnos,
Y es que el mundo entero parece haberse confabúlado para vendernos una historia que no tiene nada que ver con la realidad por suerte.
El cuento de la belleza mínimal nos lo hemos tragado hasta el punto de poder discriminar a las personas que no entran en esos cánones absurdos y completamente contra natura.
Parece que si no cabes en una talla 24 no tienes nada que hacer. Casi puedes retirarte del mercado por objeto defectuoso.
Que para conseguirlo no debes ingerir más que agua en cantidades ingentes.
Y que sobretodo tienes que seguir siendo la mujer más cachonda, pro activa y divertida de tu entorno.
Púes no, me niego a seguir alimentando esta gran falácia.
Recuerdo con cariño cuando los hombres solían presumir de que les gustarán las mujeres de carne y hueso, en estas épocas casi que parece que solo tienen algo de éxito las de hueso.
En fin, conclusión a mi no me gustan ni me gustarán jamás, los hombre musculados, ni los delgados, y por supuesto los prototipo Ken menos... me gustan los hombres, hombres, ante todo pensantes, grandes en fin varoniles; así es que confío que mi raza siga su curso vital y que en no mucho tiempo el ser humano pueda volver a valorar a la mujer no por cuantas horas se pasa en el gimnasio, o cuantos días hace que ayuna, si no más bien por como es en su naturaleza.
Aquí una pequeña muestra de lo que se lleva, versus lo que no.
Yo hoy prefiero ir antimoda.
Las modelos del gran show Victoria's Secrets. / Victoria's Secrets models.
Muy por debajo de su peso mínimo saludable./Way under their minimum healthy weigth

Algunas de las más admiradas... / A few of the most desired ones Angelina Jolie, Alexa Chung, Lindsay lohan, Olivia Palermo, Gweneth Paltrow...
A few days ago I went on shopping with a great friend, she's actually tinny herself is the way she's built. While we were trying looks on; and among the laughs I found myself falling on the same mistake thousands of girls fall instantly every time they see themselves in a mirror by another girl; comparison.
What is it? that lately seems like the whole wide world wants us to believe a story that thanks God has nothing to do with reality, seems almost that we have swollen down that thing about minimal beauty so strong that we even unwillingly discriminate people for not fitting in our absurd and anti-natural standards.
Seems almost that if you don't fit in a 0 size you can pleasantly get withdrew of the social market as if referring to a defective item.
So with those unreachable goals in mind you can't ingest anything but water in enormous amounts and still be the most out-going, funny and proactive girl of the world.
Well, sorry NO it's not Ok, not with me, I refuse to keep on feeding this huge lie.
I lovingly remember when guys use to say that they liked women with woman's body.
Anyway... conclusion, I don't like muscly, or he-mans, not metrosexuals either, I don't like them now, and I wont ever like them, I like men that look like men. Normal and simply men.
So yes I do, I still have some remaining hope that my race will one day keep with it's vital cycle, and will value their women again not for how many hours have they been working out, or how many days have they been fasting for but for how they are in their own nature.
So here there are a little sample of what's IN and OUT nowadays, and will you excuse me but this time, I'm totally OUT.
What is it? that lately seems like the whole wide world wants us to believe a story that thanks God has nothing to do with reality, seems almost that we have swollen down that thing about minimal beauty so strong that we even unwillingly discriminate people for not fitting in our absurd and anti-natural standards.
Seems almost that if you don't fit in a 0 size you can pleasantly get withdrew of the social market as if referring to a defective item.
So with those unreachable goals in mind you can't ingest anything but water in enormous amounts and still be the most out-going, funny and proactive girl of the world.
Well, sorry NO it's not Ok, not with me, I refuse to keep on feeding this huge lie.
I lovingly remember when guys use to say that they liked women with woman's body.
Anyway... conclusion, I don't like muscly, or he-mans, not metrosexuals either, I don't like them now, and I wont ever like them, I like men that look like men. Normal and simply men.
So yes I do, I still have some remaining hope that my race will one day keep with it's vital cycle, and will value their women again not for how many hours have they been working out, or how many days have they been fasting for but for how they are in their own nature.
So here there are a little sample of what's IN and OUT nowadays, and will you excuse me but this time, I'm totally OUT.